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/ Interplay - Redefining th…- E3 2001 Press CD (USA) / Interplay - Redefining the Game - E3 2001 Press CD (USA).7z
7-Zip Archive  |  2001-01-01  |  180MB

This file was processed as: 7-Zip Archive (archive/sevenZip).

You can browse this item here: Interplay - Redefining the Game - E3 2001 Press CD (USA).7z

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert 7-Zip Archive (sevenZip) magic
100% file 7-zip archive data, version 0.3 default
99% file data default
100% TrID 7-Zip compressed archive (gen) default
100% siegfried fmt/484 7Zip format default